Swift Kitura Server Side IBM MySQL



Swift Server Side - Kitura (1) Install

還不清楚 Swift Package Manager 如何使用的 請往這邊走

Swift Server Side - Kitura (2) SPM


Kitura 本身有建立起一整個完整的 Swift Server Side 生態系 (應該說是 IBM 建立起 Kitura 完整生態系)
有 Connect DataBase, ORM, JWT, HttpRequest, Environment, WebSocket, SMTP 等等

今天來介紹 SwiftKueryMySQL - 這是 IBM Open Source 的 MySQL Connect Framework

    // Package.swift Add 
    .package(url: "https://github.com/IBM-Swift/SwiftKueryMySQL.git", from: "2.0.1"),

    // target's dependencies:
    .target(name: "your target", dependencies: ["SwiftKueryMySQL"]),

比較特別的是,需要在機器上安裝 MySQL,因為需要 MySQL 的一些 Framework 才能運作 (開發的機器跟 Product Server 都需要)

    // 安裝 MySQL 當然還是用 Homebrew
    brew install mysql


我們需要在 Xcode Project 指定 HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS 去找到 MySQL 的一些 Framework

可是我們的 Xcode Project 檔案是用 SPM 產生的

所以我們需要另一個檔案寫入我們要放進 Xcode Project 檔的設定

    // add New file Config.xcconfig

然後建立好的 Config 檔案來建立 Xcode Project

    swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides Config.xcconfig

就可以使用 Xcode Project 繼續開發了


    // 這是建立單一 Connection
     public required init(host: String? = nil, 
                          user: String? = nil, 
                          password: String? = nil, 
                          database: String? = nil, 
                          port: Int? = nil, 
                          unixSocket: String? = nil, 
                          clientFlag: UInt = 0, 
                          characterSet: String? = nil, 
                          reconnect: Bool = true) 

    // 這是建立 Connection Pool
    public static func createPool(host: String? = nil,
                                  user: String? = nil, 
                                  password: String? = nil, 
                                  database: String? = nil, 
                                  port: Int? = nil, 
                                  unixSocket: String? = nil, 
                                  clientFlag: UInt = 0, 
                                  characterSet: String? = nil, 
                                  reconnect: Bool = true, 
                                  connectionTimeout: Int = 0, 
                                  poolOptions: ConnectionPoolOptions) -> ConnectionPool

建立 Connection Pool 最重要的參數

    /// Options for `ConectionPool` configuration.
    public struct ConnectionPoolOptions {

        /// The initial number of connections in the pool.
        public let initialCapacity: Int
        /// The maximum number of connections in the pool. 
        /// The pool is allowed to grow from `initialCapacity` up to
        /// this limit. 
        /// If not specified, or `maxCapacity` <= `initialCapacity`, the pool cannot grow.
        public let maxCapacity: Int
        /// Initialize an instance of `ConnectionPoolOptions`.
        /// - Parameter initialCapacity: The initial number of connections in the pool.
        /// - Parameter maxCapacity: The maximum number of connections in the pool
        /// - Parameter timeout: Maximum wait (in milliseconds) to receive a connection
        ///                      before returning nil.
        public init(initialCapacity: Int, maxCapacity: Int = 0) {
            self.initialCapacity = initialCapacity
            self.maxCapacity = maxCapacity

Query 的使用方式

    func rawQuery(with pool: ConnectionPool,
                  query: String,
                  success: @escaping ([[String: Any?]]) -> Void,
                  failure: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
        pool.getConnection { connect, error in
            guard let connect = connect else {
            connect.execute(query, onCompletion: { result in
                result.asRows { dics, error in
                    if let dics = dics {
                    } else {


附上 Linux 上安裝 MySQL 的指令

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev pkg-config


Swift Server Side - Kitura (4) MySQL 坑


Swift Server Side - Kitura (2) SPM